Flexible combined heat and power & trigeneration solutions
Wartsila - Wartsila Italia
Wärtsilä's development of distributed engine power plant solutions is based on the demand for alternative energy sources, the need to shorten transmission distances, and the increasing stipulations for fuel efficiency. With increased deregulation and the liberalisation of energy markets, the trend in many countries is towards decentralised systems. Power, heat and cooling need to be generated closer to consumers
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Settori: Ambiente, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energia, Energia Elettrica, Energy storage, Fotovoltaico, Rinnovabili
Mercati: Edilizia
- Fabio Zanellini
- Silvia Colnago
- Moschillo Alessandro
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
- Lucia Ammendola