I target di decarbonizzazione della Commissione Europea Confronto delle emissioni dovute all'uso del prodotto H2 Boilers DEMOs Nuova Linea Produttiva dedicata all'idrogeno 100% hydrogen boiler di seconda generazione
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Idrogeno e decarbonizzazione
Confronto fra i requisiti delle normative PED e ASME per le misurazioni di livello nei boiler
- Amir Hedayatnia
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) Sono analizzati i principali requisiti delle norme PED e ASME per la strumentazione di livello, applicati ai corpi cilindrici delle caldaie. In particolare sono mostrati i punti in comune e le differenze nella loro applicazione.
Failure analysis of a machinable brass connector in a boiler unit installation
- George A. Pantazopoulos
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) A machinable brass connector (33 mm Hex AF) failed in a boiler unit, after almost two years in function, caused leakage and heating unit shutdown. The collected evidence suggests that failure was induced by progressive crack-growth during service, initiated from inner thread root. A plausible failure mechanism is fatigue facilitated by the action of dezincification and secondary intergranular corrosion cracking. Crack emanated at high stress concentration area assisted by the presence of surface flaws created probably by shallow mechanical damage and/or dezincification pits. Potential improvement suggestions concern the following.
An investigation on the corrosion of flue gas sensor in boiler stack
- Anees U. Malik
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) The sensor transducer and its external covering were found covered with contaminated deposits which are rich in sulphur. Both 316 SS covering and the transducer part made of titanium were subject to dew point corrosion originated from the sulphur containing flue gases combined to the moisture and low temperature. A galvanic corrosion between titanium (more noble) and 316 SS (less noble) is also suggested if the two metals are in mutual contact with acidic condensate.
A hybrid DE–PS algorithm for load frequency control under deregulated power system with UPFC and RFB
- Rabindra Kumar Sahu
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) In this paper, an attempt has been made for the first time to apply a hybrid Differential Evolution (DE) and Pattern Search (PS) optimized Modified Integral Derivative (MID) controller for load frequency control of multi-area multisource power system in deregulated environment. The Boiler dynamics, Generation Rate Constraint (GRC) and Governor Dead Band (GDB) have been considered to have a more realistic power system. The system has been investigated all possible of power transactions that take place under deregulated environment. The proposed hybrid technique takes advantage of global exploration capabilities of DE and local exploitation capability of PS.
Analysis of energy-consumption of bioethanol production in agricultural distilleries in Poland
- Jędrzej Trajer
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) Based on the conducted research and analysis of the results, it may be concluded that energy efficiency of bioethanol production depends on selected parameters of the process and their values. Parameters were grouped into two clusters, according to their values. Efficiency of the process is different for data that belong to each cluster, with the higher values for cluster 1. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the most important process parameters that affect on energy efficiency of bioethanol production there are: coefficient of heating performance of the steam boiler (eta), starch content (zs), unit steam consumption in the steamer (D) and the efficiency of reaction (wr).
Combustion of plant biomass pellets on the grate of a low ower boiler
- Artur Kraszkiewicz
- Articoli/Atti convegno
(in lingua inglese) The present study resulted in the following remarks and conclusions: 1. Physical and chemical properties of the pellets made from the rapeseed and birch biomass allow for their satisfactory and sustainable use in low-temperature grate heating devices assuming the optimal selection of the Artur Kraszkiewicz et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 7 ( 2015 ) 131 – 138 137 amount of air supplied. In contrast, characteristics of the oil cake pellets did not allow for environmentally acceptable combustion associated with significant emissions of CO, NO, and SO2. 2. Increasing the air speed of 1 m·s-1 to 2.5 m·s-1, the combustion of solid biofuels under consideration, reduces CO and SO2 emissions by at least 80%.
The combustion and the thermal-energetic behavior of an oil-fired condensing boiler
- Cristian Cattarinussi
- Articoli/Atti convegno
Lo scopo della tesi è quello di analizzare una caldaia a condensazione a gasolio che descrive gli aspetti relativi alla combustione e fenomeni di trasferimento di calore che si verificano nel dispositivo.Saranno indagati anche gli aspetti normativi che definiscono metodi di calcolo e prove di laboratorio per valutare il rendimento energetico di un boiler.
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