Oil-free high-pressure diaphragm compressors
Burckhardt - Burckhardt Compression Italia
Hydrogen is increasingly used as a fuel in trans¬portation because of its high energy density and environmental sustainability. Hydrogen delivery to fuel stations and vehicle fueling require a variety of different compression solutions.
Burckhardt Compression is one of the global market leaders in the field of reciprocating compressors. Its compressor systems are used in the upstream oil & gas, gas transport and storage, refinery, chemical, petrochemical and industrial gas sectors. We offer oil-free high-pressure compressor systems maintain-ing hydrogen quality according to SAE J-2719
- Cost-efficient compressor solution
- Oil-free high-pressure compression to meet high-est hydrogen purity
- Leakage-free hydrogen compression
- Bare compressors, skidded and container-installed compression solutions
- Full range of after-sales services
- Global network of local service centers
- Cost-efficient compressor solution
- Oil-free high-pressure compression to meet high-est hydrogen purity
- Leakage-free hydrogen compression
- Bare compressors, skidded and container-installed compression solutions
- Full range of after-sales services
- Global network of local service centers

Settori: Ambiente, Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Idrogeno, Petrolchimico, Rinnovabili
Mercati: Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
- Fiera Idrogeno
- Fiera Idrogeno
- RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico
- ASEV - Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa
- Atlas Copco Italia
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica