Sulfide stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen induced cracking of A216-WCC wellhead flow control valve body
S.M.R. Ziaei - Sharif University of Technology Tehran
(in lingua inglese)
The control valve body failed due to combination of SSC and HIC cracking in wet H2S environment. Also A217-WC9 steel was found to have more resistance to SSC cracking than A216-WCC steel. The improved SSCC resistance of the A217-WC9 steel can be attributed to its higher pitting resistance.

Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013
Settori: Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Biogas, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Idrogeno, Meccanica, Rinnovabili, Valvole
Mercati: Agricoltura e Allevamenti
- Schneider Electric